среда, 18 декабря 2013 г.

Ubisoft has again a gold mine!

Two thousand thirteen.  Meanwhile we are accustomed to using it, but not very tasty it rolls off the tongue. It is, therefore, a number which by itself has little significance or stature. But oh, what we can feast this year. Sets were epic prosecute new IPs saw the light and let the hit of the year, remember: the next-gen console. Precisely, singular. For what Microsoft has done it gamers of the lowlands may be called a small blemish on the year. Final Fantasy Retrospective Part 2: Final Fantasy II game blogger review. And other review about Thing Thing Arena on a blog.

 That did not enjoy everything went well. Fullest Besides the announcement and release of the new generation of consoles, we were obviously still a gem for our choosing where we have to wait. All together yet again and again a few years As I say, September 17, 2013, almost every gamer knows what I mean. But despite that I've extremely entertained with all the absurdity in the latest masterpiece from Rockstar, is not that the game that I want to put extra attention here. We all dream about freedom, do what we want, when we want it and how. A group in history did this like no other, and in 2013 we ourselves have experienced how it is to go as a pirate in Assassins Creed IV Black Flag through life. For details on the game this is not the place, but hear my praise to. Few games have the AC4 so as to bring each other to me. So much time with a controller in my hands by This was that Far Cry 3, for me game of the year 2012. And Ubisoft has again gold mine (yarr!). I spend hours without realizing I was doing things that I later realized that it totally took me further into the main storyline it yourself. I usually play a storyline and what further additional things to do I get that, but at AC4 is the offer so huge, so diverse and fun, quality and rewards such that it attracts you. That sometimes at 3 o'clock realize that you're not a fucking progressed in the story ... and not care. None of your business. Rarely have I so enjoyed myself with such diversity. I will not go so far as to say that the storyline is almost secondary, but AC4 the balance ingenious. Far Cry 3 was for me in 2012 and Ubisoft to grips with Game of the Year again: Assassins Creed 4 Black Flag.

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